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The Art of the Gun: Magnificent Colts Classic Edition The Art of the Gun: Magnificent Colts Deluxe Edition An American Explorer in the Forbidden Pamirs China Safari The Art of the Gun: Miniature Books Buy Today A landmark in firearms history... Over 1,250 photos, 80% at actual size Celebrate 175 years of Colt Firearms Finest book ever on Samuelt Colt Celebrate 175 years of Colt Firearms Finest book ever on Samuelt Colt and Colt firearms

A Work of Art

Magnificent Colts is the most lavish firearms books ever published on the history of firearms make the perfect inspiration and creative tool for any engraver.

Fresh Info & Photos

Magnificent Colts has over 650 pages and 1,250± images with 80% of the firearms represented in actual size. the book is filled with fresh, new data and imagery.

Amazing Reviews

Featured on the Discovery Channel’s “American Guns” with in-depth reviews in American Rifleman, Sporting Classics & FEGA’s The Engraver.

Info Packed Tool

Unique information-packed tool for buying & selling guns. Facilitates authentications of engraving, finishes & cases. Perfect inspiration & creative tool for any engraver.

Classic & Deluxe Edition

Magnificent Colts, available in both Classic Cloth Bound Edition, limited to 5000 sets, or Deluxe Leather Bound Edition, signed, numbered & limited to 500 sets.

Includes DVD & Blu-Ray

Fresh information & illustrations on Colt, the engravers, models and finishes, accessories, advertising, period photographs and video.

Magnificent Colts: Ten years in the making…

This stunning two-volume set represents a landmark in the history of firearms publishing. Robert M. Lee and Robert L. Wilson set out with the goal of creating the ultimate firearms book ever published. This unique information packed two-volume set celebrates 175 years of Colts, from 1836 to the current day and honors Colonel Colt’s 200th birthday in 2014.

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