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Ian Eaves

One of the coauthors of The Art of the Gun, Miniature Books series, Mr. Ian Eaves wrote his first school project on arms and armour at the age of ten.  From 1978 to 1983, he served as Hon. Editor of the Journal of the Arms & Armour Society in the U.K.  In 1978, he was appointed Keeper of Armour at the Royal Armouries, H.M. Tower of London, where he worked for eighteen years.

In 1981, Ian Eaves was awarded the Frances E. Markoe Scholarship in Art by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York to undertake research on its collection of European Armour. A year later, he was employed as Consultant Curator by the Higgins Armoury Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts.

In 1984, Mr. Eaves was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and in 1983 he was honored with the Arms & Armour Society’s Research Medal.  He has served as Hon. President of the Arms & Armour Society since 1995.

Mr. Eaves is now a consultant on arms and armour, undertaking research, cataloging and editing work for various museums and institutions in Europe and North America, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art – New York, the Art Institute – Chicago, the Fitzwilliam Museum – Cambridge, The Royal Collections Trust – London, and the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Braziers – London.

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